1952 1956
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1952 States: TN, NC
Guide Book of Excursion in the Great Smoky Mountains
by Philip B. King, Jarvis B. Hadley, and Robert B. Neuman
The original classic! A groundbreaking work on the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The field trip traverses a representative cross-section from the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Tennessee Valley, across Chilhowee Mountains and the main range of the Great Smoky Mountains, to the geissnic and granitic rock of North Carolina. Two large format geologic maps are available by request only. 60 pages, 5 tables, 11 figures, 2 large maps.
Hard copy source: Out of print
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1953 State: NC
Road Log for the Annual Excursion of the Carolina Geological Society
by W.C. Overstreet, P.K. Theobald, Jr., and N.P. Cuppels
This Piedmont trip across Cleveland County, NC highlights the relationships between granites and gneisses along the boundary between the Shelby and Lincolnton 15-minute quadrangles, NC. 26 pages, 2 figures.
Hard copy source: Out of print
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1954, No Guidebook.

1955 State: NC
Guidebook of Excursion in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina
by H.E. LeGrand and P.M. Brown
A field trip designed to highlight a variety of formations of the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary NC Coastal Plain along the Neuse River, Cape Fear River, and Black Creek. Also includes lists of fossils present at each stop. 43 pages, 1 table, 4 figures.
Hard copy source: Out of print
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1956 States: NC, SC
Carolina Geological Society Guidebook (west of Kings Mountain, NC)
by Thomas L. Kesler
Straddling the North Carolina/South Carolina border this trip visits outcrops of metamorphosed sedimentary and pyroclastic rocks in the Kings Mountain belt. 4 pages, 1 table, 1 map.
Hard copy source: Out of print
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1957 State: SC
Carolina Geological Society Guidebook for the South Carolina Coastal Plain Field Trip
by George E. Siple
A northeast-southwest transect across the Coastal Plain of South Carolina between Cheraw and Harleyville visiting stops of Late Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary age. 27 pages, 1 table, 3 figures.
Hard copy source: Out of print, however republished in 1959 as Field Guide 2, Bulletin 24, State Development Board, Div. of Geology, Columbia, S.C.
Download .pdf (424 Kb) (this version has different pagination than original)

1958 State: SC
Carolina Geological Society Guidebook
by L.N. Smith and H.S. Johnson, Jr.
A northwest-southeast transect across the Coastal Plain of South Carolina between Columbia and Santee visiting stops of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary age. Also includes a crystalline stop at the Lake Murray spillway. FG-3, 13 pages, 1 table, 2 maps.
Hard copy source: Out of print
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1959 State: NC
Geology of the Albemarle and Denton Quadrangles, N.C.
by A.A. Stromquist and J.F. Conley
Over twenty field trip stops examining the stratigraphy and structure of volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Albemarle and Denton 15-minute quadrangles. Includes a stop to Morrow Mountain State Park. 36 pages, 3 figures.
Hard copy source: Out of print
Download .pdf (836 Kb) (this version has different pagination than original)
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