1950s 1960s 1970s1980s1990s2000s 2010s2020s

2020        State: SC

CGS Virtual Coastal Geology Field Trip 2020
Long Bay’s Changing Coast

by Till J.J. Hanebuth- Associate Professor of Coastal and Marine Geology & Team: JT Durica, M. Fink, J. Long, E. Meyers, P. Silveira and others. Coastal Geosystems Research Lab Coastal Carolina University

2020 was a virtual meeting. The 2020 meeting was hosted by Western Carolina University, at no cost to the Society. The event was held over three nights from December 1st through 3rd, and included the annual business meeting, a virtual field trip, and a panel discussion on careers in geology for students.

The slides and a recording from the presentation of the virtual coastal geology field trip to Long Bay’s Changing Coast in SC are below.

 Presentation Slides.pdf

Zoom recording of 2020 Virtual Field Trip on YouTube


2022        State: NC

Geology and Viticulture across the Blue Ridge Escarpment, from
the Inner Piedmont to the Blue Ridge Plateau: How Rocks and
Landforms Play a Critical Role in the Cultivation of Winegrapes
in Polk, Henderson and Buncombe Counties, NC

by Joseph Forrest, Rick Wooten, Bart Cattanach

Viticulture, the art and science of wine-grape cultivation, is one of the fastest growing agricultural ventures in North Carolina, accounting for one of the state’s most important fruit crops and one of its riskiest. The field trip explores how geology and geomorphology play a critical role in determining the natural environment, or ‘terroir’, of three quite different, but adjacent, physiographic settings in western North Carolina in which wine-grapes are being cultivated.  The excursion follows a transect from the inner Piedmont in Polk County, across the Blue Ridge escarpment in Polk and Henderson Counties, into the Blue Ridge plateau in Henderson and Buncombe Counties, all of which have active vineyard/winery operations that are producing excellent wines. 249 pages.


 gb 2022.pdf


2023        State: NC

The Geology of the Carolina Terrane in Chatham County, NC – Results of New Geologic Mapping by the NC Geological Survey.

by Philip J. Bradley and the NC Geological Survey

2023 marks the 200th Anniversary of the North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS). As part of the Survey’s anniversary celebration activities, the NCGS is hosting the 2023 Carolina Geological Society field trip. The geology of Chatham County is the theme of the trip with the main focus being the results of new mapping in the Carolina terrane portion of the county.

In late 2022, a new compiled geologic map of Chatham County was released: Link to Map. The field trip will visit multiple outcrops throughout the County.

2023 Guidebook Link

Supplemental Contributions

Contributions to the field trip include large papers presented in two supplemental volumes available as digital downloads only.

Supplemental Papers 1 include:

Moye, R.J., 2023, The Albemarle Sequence of the Carolina Terrane in Central North Carolina: Geologic and metallogenic analysis with an alternative model, in Supplemental Papers 1, Carolina Geological Society Annual Meeting 2023, p. 1-82.


Moye, R.J., 2023, A geologic analysis of the Charlotte terrane from a metallogenic perspective and a proposed first-order stratigraphy, in Supplemental Papers 1, Carolina Geological Society Annual Meeting 2023, p. 83-165.

Supplemental Papers 1 2023 CGS

Supplemental Papers 2 include:

McDaniel, R.D., Stoddard, E.F., Lumpkin, B.L., Powers, J.A., Capps, R.C., 2023, Is a large complex impact crater hiding in plain sight in central North Carolina?, in Supplemental Papers 2, Carolina Geological Society Annual Meeting 2023, 40p.

Supplemental Papers 2 2023 CGS