Non-members must pay a higher price to offset the cost of processing their registration. If you intend on attending the meeting and field trip – Join CGS before registering.

This year’s prices are as follows:

Friday Welcome Party FREE (if attending field trip)**FREE (if attending field trip)**FREE (if attending field trip)**
Saturday Field Trip$TBD$TBD$TBD
Sunday Field Trip$TBD$TBD$TBD


A member can register a non-geologist guest (ex. significant other) at the member rate. Only one guest per member, please.

*The Reduced Rate is intended for all active students (high, middle school or college), active high school earth science educators, retirees.  

** The Friday Welcome Party is free to those registered for the field trip. Special arrangements can be made to attend the Welcome Party without attending the trip but a $40 fee is required to offset costs. After contacting CGS, use the following link to register and pay for the Welcome Party only: Welcome Party only.

In 2014, the CGS Board of Directors approved a change in the pricing for the annual meeting.  If you are an active member in good standing in CGS, you can register at a lower price than non-members.  Non-members must pay a higher price to offset the cost of processing their registration.  IF YOU ARE UNSURE IF YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE SOCIETY IS ACTIVE AND UP-TO-DATE, PLEASE INQUIRE WITH the CGS Board AT: